
88 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication with Stakeholders 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 23.6.2023 11.5.2023 7.7.2023 出席香港物業管理師學會「物業管理周-優秀從業員頒獎典 禮暨研討會」。 Attended the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Property Managers’ “Property Management Week 2023 – Excellent Practitioners Award Ceremony”. 出席國際設施管理協會香港分會年度會議 2023 。 Attended the International Facility Management Association Hong Kong Chapter’s Integrate 2023 Facility Management Conference. 安排香港物業管理師學會和香港房地產代理業聯會會員集 體提交正式及臨時物管人牌照申請。 Arranged with members of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Property Managers and Hong Kong Property Agencies Association to collectively submit applications for formal and provisional PM Practitioner licence. 27.6.2023 向 14 間公契經理人物管公司頒發物管公司牌照。 Issued PM Company l icences to 14 DMC Manager PM companies. 6.6.2023 出席香港地產行政師學會「小區聯廈聯管」午餐演講會。 A t t e nded t h e Hong Kong I n s t i t u t e o f Re a l Es t a t e Administration’s “District-based Building Rehabilitation Pilot Scheme” Luncheon Meeting. 與物管業界會面交流 Conducting Exchange with PM industry