
89 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication with Stakeholders 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 12.9.2023 香港測量師學會代表到訪監管局交流。 Representatives of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors visited the PMSA and conducted exchange. 11.7.2023 出席國際設施管理協會香港分會「國際設施管理協會亞太區 卓越大獎 2022-23 」頒獎典禮。 A t t ended t he I n t e r na t i ona l Fac i l i t y Managemen t Association Hong Kong Chapter’s “Asia Pacific Awards of Excellence 2022-23” presentation ceremony. 15.8.2023 出席香港物業管理公司協會有限公司周年晚宴。 At tended the Hong Kong Assoc i at i on of Property Management Companies’ Annual Dinner. 22.9.2023 出席香港測量師學會物業設施管理組「智慧大灣區,物管新世代」研討會 2023 。 Attended the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Property and Facility Management Division Conference 2023 “Next Generation of Smart Property & Facility Management in Greater Bay Area”.