
9 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 重要里程碑 Major Milestones 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 刊憲發出《宣傳品的派發與展示》 及《樹木管理工作》操守守則。 Gazetted and issued “Distribution and Display of Promotion Materials” and “Tree Management Work” Codes of Conduct. 物管業發牌制度下的三年過渡期順利完結,香港物管業正式踏入全新世代。 The ending of the three-year transitional period under the PM industry licensing regime marked the new era for PM. 參與第三屆「國際物業管理及採購博覽」。 Part icipated in the 3 rd Internat ional Property Management & Procurement Expo. 於物管業發牌制度三年過渡期完結後開始進行合規 巡查。 Commenced comp l i ance i nspec t i on a f t e r the ending of three-year PM l icensing regime transitional period. 7.2023 8.2023