
96 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication with Stakeholders 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 7.11.2023 聯同建造業議會及勞工處舉行「裝飾及維修新里程」主題講座。 Jointly organised the Thematic Talk on Repair, Maintenance, Alteration and Addition New Mileage with the Construction Industry Council and the Labour Department. 17.12.2023 參與香港警務處商業罪案調查科轄下反詐騙協調中心「西九 CHILL RUN 冬日市集」。 Participated in the “West Kowloon CHILL RUN Winter Market” of the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre under the Commercial Crime Bureau, Hong Kong Police Force. 26.10.2023 於屋宇署「樓宇安全周 2023 」介紹《處理建築工程》操守守則。 Introduced the “Handling Building Works” Code of Conduct during the Bui ldings Department’s “Bui lding Safety Week 2023”. 29.1.2024 出席地產代理慶祝中華人民共和國成立 75 周年暨香港房 地產代理業聯會成立 30 周年及第 12 屆理事會就職典禮。 Attended the Celebration of the 75 th National Day of the People’s Republ ic of China cum the 30 th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Property Agencies Association and the 12 th Inauguration Ceremony of the Executive Committee.