
97 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication with Stakeholders 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 接受香港電台專訪。 Interviewed by the Radio Television Hong Kong. 接受新城電台專訪。 Interviewed by Metro Broadcast. 舉行傳媒簡報會公布監管局發牌工作的最新進展。 Conducted media briefing on the latest development of the PMSA’s licensing work. 接受 ViuTV 專訪。 Interviewed by ViuTV. 4.2.2024 參與廉政公署「五十周年傳誠跑」。 Participated in the Independent Commission Against Corruption’s 50 th Anniversary Running Gala. 21.2.2024 出席廉政公署五十周年慶祝酒會暨香港國際廉政學院成立典 禮。 Attended the Independent Commission Against Corruption’s 50 th Anniversary Reception and Establishment Ceremony of the Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption. 傳媒 Media 監管局於年內發出了共 40 份新聞稿,其 中有 14 份公布監管局的最新發展,而與 發牌制度及操守守則相關的各有 10 份, 另有 6 份則與「持續專業發展計劃」相關。 監管局主席黃江天博士及行政總裁蕭如彬 先生亦多次接受傳媒專訪,介紹物管業發 牌制度的最新發展及交代監管局的工作進 度。 The PMSA issued 40 press releases during the year, of which 14 were about the latest development of the PMSA, 10 each were related to the licensing regime and the Code of Conduct respectively, and 6 concerning the CPD Scheme. The PMSA Chairperson Dr James Wong and Chief Executive Officer Mr Alan Siu also conducted interview on various occasions to brief the media on the latest development of the PM industry licensing regime and the work progress of the PMSA.