
98 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication with Stakeholders 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 作為物管業倡導者 監管局作為物管業倡導者,透過加入相關 政府部門╱公營機構轄下的委員會╱工 作小組╱網絡及定期參與有關會議及活 動,保持與各持份者緊密聯繫,相互交 流,攜手合作,共同促進物管業持續健康 向前發展。 (按參與時間排序) 參與年度 政府部門╱公營機構 工作小組╱委員會 擔任角色 Participation Year Government department/Public organisation Committee/Working Group Role 2019 年至今 職業訓練局 房地產服務業訓練委員會 當然委員 2019 – Present Vocational Training Council Real Estate Services Training Board Ex-officio Members 2020 年至今 僱員再培訓局 物業管理及保安業行業諮詢網絡 委員 2020 – Present Employees Retraining Board PM and Security Industry Consultative Network Committee Member 2021 年至今 香港資歷架構 物業管理業行業培訓諮詢委員會 委員 2021 – Present Hong Kong Qualifications Framework PM Industry Training Advisory Committee Committee Member 2021 年至今 香港警務署有組織罪案及 三合會調查科 「復安居計劃」工作小組 成員 2021 – Present Hong Kong Police Force Organised Crime and Triad Bureau RenoSafe Scheme Working Group Member 2022 年至今 建造業議會 裝飾及維修專責委員會 成員 2022 – Present Construction Industry Council Committee on Repair, Maintenance, Alteration and Addition Member As the Advocate for PM Industry As the advocate for the PM industry, the PMSA maintains c l ose con t ac t and conduc t s exchange wi t h d i f f e r en t stakeholders through serving on/in the concerned committees/ working groups/networks of relevant Government departments/ public organisations and participating regularly in meetings and activities to promote together the healthy development of the PM industry. (according to the sequence of participation)