Property Management Company Licence Issued to Hong Kong Housing Society

The Property Management Services Authority (PMSA) announced today (20 October) that the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) has been issued a Property Management Company (PMC) licence. The PMSA has so far received licence application from 370 PMCs, of which more than 180 have already been licensed successfully.

The PMSA Chairperson Tony TSE said, “The HKHS has been together with Hong Kong people for over 70 years and has developed various housing schemes to fulfil the needs of the citizens, playing the role of a “housing laboratory” which keeps progressing with time to explore new solutions so as to help develop a livable city and a harmonious society. In addition to providing appropriate and affordable housing for the people of Hong Kong, the HKHS also offers more than one prescribed category of property management (PM) services to over 18,000 units of private residential properties subject to deeds of mutual covenant, thus requiring to be licensed.  I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the HKHS for being at the forefront of obtaining PMC licence in the industry and supporting the PM industry licensing regime by action.”

In addition to providing PM services to over 18,000 units of private residential properties, the HKHS also manages a portfolio of 20 rental estates of its own, accommodating around 81,000 residents in over 32,600 units.

Chairperson TSE added, “Members of our society have gradually recognised and acknowledged the PM industry licensing regime. Some owners’ organisations have already  stipulated that bidders have to possess PMC licence issued by the PMSA when tendering for PM services.  The Hong Kong Housing Authority has also stipulated in their PM service contracts for newly-built properties under the Home Ownership Scheme that PMCs and relevant PM practitioners (PMPs) have to possess PMC licence issued by the PMSA by the end of the transitional period of the licensing regime. The Housing Department has also issued letters to the owners’ organisations of 39 public housing estates under the Tenants Purchase Scheme to remind them to pay attention to whether the PMCs concerned have been licensed before the end of the transitional period  when renewing contracts with them or retendering for PM services. Many organisations such as the Urban Renewal Authority, HKHS and the Government Property Agency have also deemed PMSA-licensed PMCs and PMPs as a requirement for consideration of engagement or professional recognition, driving more PMCs to be licensed earlier so as to meet the service contract or renewal requirements. PMCs which have yet to be licensed should seize the opportunity to apply for licence orderly now so as to avoid falling behind the market and their peers in the industry.”

The PMSA has launched the Licence Application Appointment Booking Scheme which allows PMCs to reserve a suitable timeslot within the period between now and May 2023 for submitting licence application orderly through the PMSA PMC licence application hotline (3696 1157), thus enabling PMCs which comply with the law to be licensed before the end of the transitional period of the PM industry licensing regime (i.e. 31 July, 2023) in order for them to continue to provide PM services seamlessly after the transitional period. Since the launch of the Scheme, over 170 PMCs have already made appointments. If PMCs do not participate in the PMSA’s Licence Application Appointment Booking Scheme and choose to submit licence application during June and July next year, the PMSA cannot guarantee the issue of licence before the end of the transitional period of the licensing regime. Such PMCs may not be able to comply with the law after the end of the transitional period, thereby facing the risk of not being able to provide PM services seamlessly.

From 1 August 2023 onwards, all PMCs providing more than one category of prescribed PM services for properties (subject to deeds of mutual covenant) and PMPs assuming a managerial or supervisory role in such PMCs providing PM services are required to be licensed in accordance with the law in order to continue to provide PM services.

​​​​​​​Ends/Thursday, 20 October 2022
Issued at HKT 20:00