Over 2,000 Members of Property Management Industry
Attended Property Management Services Authority’s
Continuing Professional Development Seminar on
Management and Maintenance of Common Areas in Private Buildings

The Property Management Services Authority (PMSA) invited Legislative Councillor Hon. Doreen KONG as speaker for its continuing professional development (CPD) seminar today on management and maintenance of common areas in private buildings which was attended by over 2,000 members of the property management (PM) industry physically and online. Through drawing reference from relevant Hong Kong and overseas case law, Hon. KONG addressed recurring PM issues from different perspectives including financial management, declaration of interest, as well as maintenance / repair work. Hon. KONG also shared information on trends that may impact the development of the PM industry and encouraged the industry to pay close attention for early planning and preparation.

The Deed of Mutual Covenant (DMC) of a property clearly states that owners are responsible for the maintenance and management of their properties, including common areas such as lobbies, corridors, elevators, and stairwells. Licensed PM companies (PMCs) are responsible for reminding owners’ organisations / owners to carry out their duties in accordance with the Building Management Ordinance (Cap. 344) (BMO) and the DMC. Dr James WONG, Chairperson of the PMSA said, “Although a DMC generally stipulates the management and maintenance duties of owners, the management and maintenance work for the common areas in private buildings continue to lead to many issues and challenges. There could be complaints, disputes or even legal proceedings if these issues were not handled properly, and daily operations of the building / property could be affected.”

To assist the PM industry in effectively handling the management and maintenance work for common areas in private buildings, the PMSA formulated the “Obligations of Property Management Company under the Building Management Ordinance” Code of Conduct last year which provides practical guidance for PMCs to assist owners in handling building management work including property financial management, keeping of accounts, procurement of goods and services, etc. In order to strengthen the PM industry’s understanding of the BMO, the PMSA has also collaborated twice with the Home Affairs Department since the implementation of the PM industry licensing regime to organise CPD seminars for PMCs and PM practitioners (PMPs) and explain to them their obligations under the BMO. The relevant content of the seminar has also been edited into educational videos which have been uploaded onto the PMSA website: https://youtu.be/N7uTZmQUT_Q for public viewing.

All PMP licence holders who complete the above seminar can earn recognised CPD hours under the PMSA CPD Scheme and be awarded certificate of participation.

Following the ending of the three-year transitional period under the PM industry licensing regime, the PMSA has implemented the CPD Scheme on mandatory basis, requiring mandatory participation by PMP licence holders in stages in order to drive the PM industry to advance with time and raise its professional standard and status. PMP licence (Tier 1) holders are required to participate in at least 12 hours of CPD activities / courses which meet the CPD requirement each year from 1 January 2024 onwards, and PMP (Tier 2) licence holders are required to participate in at least 6 hours of CPD activities / courses which meet the CPD requirement each year from 1 January 2025 onwards. The PMSA has, from 1 August 2023 onwards, imposed condition on all newly issued or renewed licences requiring the licensees concerned to meet the mandatory participation requirement in CPD. Non-compliance would affect future licence renewal.

For details, please visit the PMSA website:

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The Property Management Services Authority invited Legislative Councillor Hon. Doreen KONG as speaker for its continuing professional development seminar today on management and maintenance of common areas in private buildings which was attended by over 2,000 members of the property management (PM) industry physically and online. Through drawing reference from relevant Hong Kong and overseas case law, Hon. KONG addressed recurring PM issues from different perspectives including financial management, declaration of interest, and maintenance / repair work. Hon. KONG also shared information on trends that may impact the development of the PM industry and encouraged the industry to pay close attention for early planning and preparation.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Ends/Monday,7 October 2024
Issued at HKT 18:00 ​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
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