The Property Management Services Authority Welcomes 
The Chief Executive’s 2024 Policy Address
To Further Improve Building Safety and Building Management

The Property Management Services Authority (PMSA) welcomed the measures to further improve building safety and building management included in “The 2024 Policy Address” delivered by the Chief Executive yesterday (16 October 2024), which covered the implementation of a pilot scheme next year on "joint property management" in selected areas to assist old single-block buildings to jointly appoint the same property management (PM) company to provide joint management services for aged building clusters in the vicinity, enabling "three-nil" and aged buildings to have access to basic PM services at affordable fees.

Dr James Wong, Chairperson of the PMSA said, “Under the PM industry licensing regime implemented by the PMSA, there are nearly 800 licensed PM companies and around 15,000 licensed PM practitioners in the market, providing PM services to over 2.4 million units in different types of properties in Hong Kong. However, there are still a number of ‘three-nil’ buildings which have not established owners’ corporation or any form of residents’ organisation, and have not engaged PM company to manage the properties. If these properties lack proper management, not only will the quality of living for the residents be affected but building and community safety concerns may also arise.”

Dr James Wong emphasised, “The PMSA will work along with the directions and measures included in the Policy Address and continue to carry the responsibility to lead, motivate and maintain close contact with all stakeholders, and actively drive the PM industry to participate in the ‘joint property management’ pilot scheme so that residents of ‘three-nil’ buildings and old single-block buildings can receive PM services with quality and professionalism.”

Ends/Thursday,17 October 2024
Issued at HKT 14:00​​​​