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Hong Kong Fire Services DepartmentIn order to prevent and combat anyone, including consultant firms, contractors or any person from employing unlawful means to affect building maintenance projects and related tendering procedures, the Property Management Services Authority (PMSA) has, jointly with other Government departments and public organisations including the Buildings Department, the Competition Commission, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, the Hong Kong Fire Services Department, the Home Affairs Department, the Independent Commission Against Corruption and the Urban Renewal Authority, participated in the RenoSafe Scheme spearheaded by the Hong Kong Police Force. Through inter-departmental collaboration and adopting a multi-pronged approach, the Scheme helps all buildings and housing estates in Hong Kong to combat crimes related to building maintenance. 

The RenoSafe Scheme aims to provide one-stop service in publicity and public education, thereby strengthening the public’s understanding of crimes related to building maintenance, and raising their awareness in guarding against bid-rigging, triad infiltration or other malpractices.

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Click here to see the “PMSA Strives to Combat Building Maintenance Crimes” brochure.

​​​​​​​RenoSafe poster

Commitments to Participating Properties:

  • Provision of professional advices on building maintenance related aspects by respective Government Departments and Public Bodies;

  • Round-the-clock police hotline for enquiries relating to building maintenance issues, including one-stop referrals of enquiries or provision of direct contact channels with respective Government Departments and Public Bodies; and

  • Provision of round-the-clock operational support from the Police.

Responsibilities of Participating Properties:

  • RenoSafe Scheme publicity materials shall be displayed at prominent positions of the property – participating properties will be given relevant publicity materials, including a RenoSafe Scheme integrated service package, poster and banner. The integrated service package introduces crimes commonly associated with building maintenance projects, the assistance provided by participating Government Departments and Public Bodies with their enquiries hotlines included;

  • Co-operate with participating Government Departments and Public Bodies; and

  • Proactively provide information of any unlawful acts or misconducts to law enforcement agencies.

Property Management Industry Codes of Conduct and Respective Best Practice Guides

The PMSA has issued multiple Codes of Conduct and respective Best Practice Guides pursuant to the Property Management Services Ordinance (Cap. 626) to provide clear, practical guidance to the industry on very important matters regarding property management (PM) service such as the PM industry carrying out procurement for property occupants and prevention of bid-rigging, handling building works, handling moneys received or arranging payment to be made and prevention of corruption, etc., so as to safeguard occupants’ rights and interests, prevent malpractice during building maintenance, and ensure procured goods or services are value for money.

Carrying out Procurement for Clients and Prevention of Bid-rigging Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guide



Handling Building Works Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guide

​​​​​​Handling Moneys Received on behalf of Clients by Property Management Companies
Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guide

Handling Payment for or Arranging Payment to be Made by Clients
Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guide

Prevention of Corruption – Staff Recruitment and Management
Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guide



Click here to see other Codes of Conduct and Best Practice Guides on other PM areas issued by the PMSA.


For enquiries on RenoSafe Scheme, please contact the 24-hour police hotline at 2527 7887 or by email: